In celebration…

By Geetanjali Vikram Kirloskar As the sun rises today, it celebrates us, the women of New India. We are the architects of change, and the resilient embodiment of grace amidst chaos. Our presence resonates from boardrooms to classrooms, from bustling streets to serene villages. As Simone de Beauvoir wisely said, “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman,” and indeed, each dawn brings with it the opportunity to redefine and reaffirm our identity. Amidst the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, let us not forget the torchbearers of tomorrow – the 100 million Gen Z teens and tweens in India today. To them, I say, dream more, do more, and be more. Your energy, innovation, and fearlessness will shape the future of our nation and the world. I don’t believe in rebellion. Conflict doesn’t solve problems. It only aggravates the situation. Indian women have the strength to handle complex situations and social norms to march ahead. To balance and to lead with love and compassion....